martes, 14 de abril de 2009

Fotos Semana Santa 09

Este es el primer intento para probar este blog, mi primer post es para colocar las fotos de nuestras vacaciones de semana santa en Cacaxtla, Tlaxcala y Cholula,Puebla.
Si no se pueden subir aqui, bien, se enlazará a My Space.
Espero que resulte

1 comentario:

  1. Hello Gissellina!

    Thank you for your visit to my blog and for helping me out with the proper name for the Sopes. My friends actually came from Mexico City too - not surprising as it is a HUGE place, no? Their daughter still lives there too.

    My husband and I love Mexican food and often go across the border into the USA to an authentic restaurant just to eat - a 2 hour drive!

    Please let me know when you update your blog and I'll come visit! (though I may have a hard time reading LOL! Perhaps one of the students at the school can help translate for me!

    ♥ Barb


Gracias por tomarte un tiempo para comentar